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Downtown Oakland Specific Plan (DOSP) Update: Zoning Update Meeting

This meeting on May 10th will be to hear the proposed zoning map, planning code, and the general plan amendments for the DOSP.

The Planning Commission’s Zoning Update Committee (ZUC) will meet on May 10, 2023 to complete their continued public hearing on the Draft Downtown Oakland Specific Plan (DOSP) Zoning Amendments. These are a draft set of text and map amendments to the Planning Code, Zoning Map and General Plan that the City has developed to help implement the DOSP. The proposed amendments were initially published for public review last year, and two public hearings were held during Spring and Summer 2022. 

Proposed revisions to the Planning Code include changes in height and intensity maximums, a Zoning Incentive Program (ZIP), new zoning districts and combining zones, and changes in design standards. Since introducing the Draft Zoning Amendments, the City published additional information and held study sessions to help community members and the ZUC evaluate the draft amendments and the Zoning Incentive Program. Full information about the draft amendments, including explanatory videos and summary materials, are available on the website.  

The ZUC will review this information and provide comments to Planning staff to guide revisions to the amendments at a public hearing which will be held in person on Wednesday, May 10th at 3:00 p.m. at Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland CA, 94612.    

More information about how to participate in this meeting can be found here.  

Members of the public are welcome to participate in the hearing and to provide either written or oral comments. Comments must be received no later than 11:00 a.m. on May 10, 2023. Your comments and questions, if any, should be directed to Joanna Winter, the Project Manager, at (510) 238-2166 or by email at at or prior to the public hearing on May 10, 2023.   

The meeting will adjourn by 6:00 p.m. unless an extension of the meeting to a later time is agreed upon by a quorum of the Committee. 

Please stay tuned for additional hearings and be aware that the City has returned to in-person meetings for boards and commissions, with no virtual component.

May 1

Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Meeting

June 12

Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Meeting